Driving Assessor Induction Course
This course is compulsory for people who wish to become L2 Driving Assessors for the Registration and Licensing Services, Department of State Growth in Tasmania.
Applicants must be approved by the Department of State Growth to attend this course.
The course was specifically designed for the Department of State Growth Tasmania by HRtraining and covers the following areas of study:
- Principles of Assessment
- Assessment Instruments
- Assessing Competence
- ADA Values
- Driving Route Design
- Rules of Evidence
- Dimensions of Competence
- Basic Computer Skills
- Professional Client Relations
- Planning Assessment Activities
This Course is a one (1) or two (2) day course. Participants who hold the following two units only need to do the one day course:
from the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (TAE40110).
Only Participants who do not have the above two units need to do the two day course.
This course is delivered in Hobart and Launceston when a minimum of six (6) Participants enrol.
The course involves pre-reading of three (3) Learner Guides that cover the ten (10) areas of study above and has a formal assessment Multiple choice and Written questions, 2 Projects and a practical on road driving assessment conducted by an Assessor from the Department of State Growth.